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In general, our choices are molded by standards created by others and by comfort or lack of confidence. We easily replicate them, ending up in a road that doesn't express our values and we feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled. That is when the red sign is lit up, through stress and unhappiness. There is this quote from Dick Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute?, saying:
Dream jobs are more often created rather than found, so they are rarely attainable through conventional means. Its creation requires huge self-knowledge. – Dick Bolles
There isn't a way of creating the dream job or business, if you don't know WHO YOU ARE, what you're interested in and what your predominant personality trait is.
Motivated to help you in your discovery journey, I searched for exercises, reflections and techniques that could help investigate the interests, that could guide you through the self-knowledge track that could guide you to find your own answers. The exercises that you will know and take were panned from several areas, such as, coaching, career, psychology, marketing and business.
This is our second ebook series on entrepreneurship for women, the first had over 12,000 downloads and was featured on the TPM Magazine and other channels that we admire so much. I hope you will make the most of this release and come back here to...
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