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In fact, it was my first lesson. My only lesson. It took the instructor about a minute to show me, and about 10 minutes for me to start getting the hang of it. And off I went. From that single lesson, that single beat, I grew. My muscle memory started to adapt to it to the point where that original beat was thoughtless. I started changing, expanding, and augmenting that simple beat. It was the very foundation of my drumming.
In turn, I've been able to personally teach over 50 people how to start playing the drums using that same method. Not surprisingly, in every single case, it worked. Yeah, it's a little tricky at first. But like I said, once that muscle memory kicks in, magic happens.
I'll cut to the chase. DrumQuick is for beginners before they're beginners. If you have a drum set and don't know where to start, or (even better) you don't have a drum set, have never played the drums, and want to get your feet wet, this program is for you.
DrumQuick is an online drum emulator and interactive lesson system that teaches you your first drum beat. You don't need a drum set. You don't need to watch any videos. You just get access, and get started.
Also, you'll build your muscle memory for playing real drums. Yes...
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